About Victory Volleyball

Organizational Goal

The goal of Victory Volleyball is to reflect the love and light of God in all that we do, both on and off the court. Through our actions, we aim to demonstrate the values of teamwork, respect, sportsmanship, and humility, while also striving to embody the Christian principles of love, compassion, and service to others. We believe that by upholding these standards, we can make a positive impact on our community and inspire others to live their lives with purpose and meaning. Our goal is not only to achieve success on the court but also to be a shining example of God’s love and grace, both as individuals and as a team. 

We are committed to fostering an environment of positivity, encouragement, and growth, where every player is valued and supported in their journey to become the best version of themselves. By shining God’s light through our actions, we aim to leave a lasting legacy of faith, hope, and love that will endure far beyond the volleyball season.

Mission, Purpose, and Vision Statements

Victory Volleyball Mission Statement 

  1. The mission of Victory Volleyball is to shine God’s light through our actions on and off the court.

Victory Volleyball Purpose Statement

  1. To develop great people while learning the sport of volleyball. To teach and encourage the growth mindset where athletes are comfortable pushing past their comfort zone and developing a lifelong desire to improve at everything they do. 

Victory Volleyball Vision Statement 

  1. To be the best part of every athlete’s day. To be the place where everyone wants to be and nobody wants to leave. 

Core Values

Joy (Romans 15:13)

We play with joy. We rejoice in the success of others.
As an organization, we believe in the importance of playing with joy and rejoicing in the success of others. We believe that volleyball should be a source of happiness and fulfillment and that our players should always strive to bring a positive attitude and enthusiasm to the court. We also believe in celebrating the accomplishments of our teammates, whether big or small and in lifting each other up to reach our full potential. By playing with joy and rejoicing in the success of others, we create a culture of support, encouragement, and teamwork that inspires everyone to do their best. We recognize that volleyball is not just about winning or losing, but about the journey and the relationships that we build along the way. By embodying the core value of Joy, we aim to create a sense of community and togetherness that extends beyond the court and into every aspect of our lives.

Growth Mindset (Romans 12:2)

We know pushing past our comfort zones is the only way to grow. We are okay with making mistakes.

As an organization, we believe in the power of a growth mindset. We understand that success is not just about innate talent, but about the willingness to learn, grow, and improve. We believe that every player has the potential to achieve greatness, and that the key to unlocking that potential is a mindset of continuous learning and development. We encourage our players to embrace challenges, to view mistakes as opportunities for growth, and to always strive for progress, not perfection. We believe that a growth mindset not only helps our players to achieve their goals on the court, but also in life beyond volleyball. By embodying the value of Growth Mindset, we inspire our players to push beyond their limits, to embrace the unknown, and to become the best versions of themselves.

Effort (Colossians 3:17)

We give our best effort in everything we do.

As an organization, we value the importance of giving our all in everything we do. We believe that by putting forth maximum effort, we can achieve extraordinary results. Whether it’s in practice, in a game, or in our everyday lives, we strive to give 100% of our energy and focus to everything we do. We know that giving our best effort requires discipline, commitment, and perseverance, but we believe that the rewards are worth it. We take pride in our work ethic, and we believe that by giving our maximum effort, we inspire those around us to do the same. By embodying the value of Effort, we develop a culture of excellence, where hard work, determination, and grit are the keys to success.

Intentionality (Proverbs 16:3)

We are intentional with everything we do.

As an organization, we believe in the power of being intentional in everything we do. We understand that success is not just a matter of luck or talent, but also a result of deliberate planning, focused execution, and consistent effort. That’s why we strive to be intentional in our actions, decisions, and interactions, both on and off the court. We know that being intentional requires mindfulness, purposefulness, and awareness, but we believe that it’s worth the effort. By embodying the value of Intentionality, we develop a culture of excellence, where every action has a purpose, every decision is well-thought-out, and every interaction is meaningful. We take pride in our ability to be intentional, and we believe that by doing so, we maximize our potential and achieve our goals with greater success.

2023 Volleyball Handbooks